Yoga Beginner Poses Dictionary: Infographic

Essential Guide to Starting Your Yoga Journey

If you’re new to yoga and looking for an easy-to-follow guide, the “Yoga Beginner Poses Dictionary” is the perfect resource for you. This comprehensive dictionary offers a curated list of yoga poses specifically designed for beginners. Each pose is categorized and labeled by difficulty, ensuring that you can find the perfect starting point on your yoga journey.

Yoga Beginner Poses Dictionary

Low Lunge Pose: An Excellent Standing and Balancing Pose

The Low Lunge is an essential pose in the Yoga Beginner Poses Dictionary. Categorized under Standing/ Balancing, this beginner-friendly pose helps build strength in your legs and improves balance. Starting with this pose can set a strong foundation for your yoga practice.

Cat Pose: A Fundamental Arm Leg Support and Forward Bend

Next in the Yoga Beginner Poses Dictionary is the Cat Pose. This pose is classified under Arm Leg Support and Forward Bend. It’s perfect for those who are just starting, as it helps in gently stretching the spine and improving flexibility.

Downward-Facing Dog: A Classic Forward Bend and Arm Leg Support

The Downward-Facing Dog is a must-know pose in any yoga practice, and it’s featured prominently in the Yoga Beginner Poses Dictionary. This pose falls under Arm Leg Support and Forward Bend categories, making it ideal for beginners aiming to build strength while improving flexibility.

Wind Removing Pose: A Gentle Supine Forward Bend

Another key entry in the Yoga Beginner Poses Dictionary is the Wind Removing Pose. Classified under Supine and Forward Bend, this pose is excellent for beginners seeking to relieve tension and improve digestion.

Tiger Pose: Strengthening Arm Leg Support with a Backbend

For those ready to venture into backbends, the Tiger Pose in the Yoga Beginner Poses Dictionary offers an excellent starting point. This pose combines Arm Leg Support with a Backbend, making it a great way to enhance strength and flexibility.

Waterfall Pose: A Calming Legs Up the Wall and Supine Pose

The Waterfall Pose is another beginner-friendly entry in the Yoga Beginner Poses Dictionary. This pose, which falls under Legs Up the Wall, Supine, Staff, and Waterfall categories, is perfect for rejuvenation and relaxation, helping beginners ease into their practice.

Hero Pose: A Foundational Seated Backbend

The Hero Pose is a cornerstone of seated poses in the Yoga Beginner Poses Dictionary. Classified under Seated and Backbend, it is an excellent choice for beginners looking to improve posture and open up their hips.

Swan Pose: A Gentle Seated Backbend for Beginners

The Swan Pose in the Yoga Beginner Poses Dictionary offers a simple yet effective way to incorporate seated backbends into your practice. It’s ideal for beginners looking to increase flexibility and strength.

Snake Pose: A Prone Backbend for Building Core Strength

Lastly, the Snake Pose is a great addition to any beginner’s routine, as highlighted in the Yoga Beginner Poses Dictionary. Falling under the Prone and Backbend categories, it helps build core strength while also improving posture.


The Yoga Beginner Poses Dictionary is a valuable resource for anyone new to yoga. By focusing on poses that are beginner-friendly and categorizing them effectively, this guide provides a clear pathway to developing your yoga practice. Whether you’re looking to improve flexibility, balance, or strength, this dictionary has the perfect pose for you. Start your yoga journey today with these carefully selected beginner poses and experience the transformative power of yoga.

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